The fourth anniversary of Blue Mountain Coffee Day will be celebrated locally and in major world cities across three continents including iconic spots such as New York and London, as well as Jamaica’s embassies in Miami, Brussels, Washington and Tokoyo beginning on Sunday (January 9).
The celebrations will continue through the month under the theme ‘Indulge in Legendary Luxury’.
The endorsement comes as Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO), in partnership with the Jamaica Coffee Exporters Association (JCEA) and the Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority (JACRA), introduces the iconic brew to new generations of discerning coffee drinkers including millennials with the ‘palate and the wallet’ to appreciate the ‘world’s finest coffee’.
The Treasure of Coffee Connoisseurs
Long treasured by coffee connoisseurs as the most delectable and heady brew on the planet, Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee, grown in the volcanic soils of the misty mountains which appear blue when viewed from a distance, is being introduced to those willing to pay a premium for superior taste and experiences.
Speaking recently at the signing of a memorandum of understanding for a market study of the Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee recently, JAMPRO President Diane Edwards noted that the corporation is currently exploring “the market and consumer trends at the distribution channels in the international market and really deciding where the best market is for us to focus our efforts”.
Edwards added: “We’re a small country producing a luxury product. We have a really critical focus.”
Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Day has been dedicated to celebrate this magnificent confluence of nature and nurture globally, in recognition of the date when the largest shipment of Jamaica Blue left the Port of Kingston bound for Japan in 1967.
Café culture will resound to Jamaican culture and tastings of the brew in coffee shops in Europe prepared by renowned baristas (expert coffee servers), at select brunches with leading celebrities and VIPs, Jamaican embassies, international organisations and happening places in the mentioned capitals, including luxury hotels on Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Day.
The organisers will be rolling out the red carpet for Blue Mountain Coffee to be experienced by influencers and others who appreciate premium products – “only the best for the best” being the catchphrase – as Jampro and the JCEA seek to expand the Blue Mountain Coffee market to millions of coffee enthusiasts and stakeholders worldwide to join in celebrating the premium beverage.

Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries Minister Audley Shaw will address a number of the gatherings virtually.
The planet’s discerning coffee lovers will discover more about the select bean from the misty, sharply inclined valleys, tilled by dedicated farmers for generations, who know how to coax the unmatched flavour and aroma from the well-drained, fertile soils to produce a fruit that’s difficult to harvest, but leads, if properly washed, sorted, sun-dried and roasted, to a smooth brew that’s naturally sweet, has no bitter aftertaste and is low in caffeine.

Symone Betton Nayo, ambassador of Jamaica to Belgium and head of mission to the European Union, said that Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee (JBMC) holds pride of place as the world’s number one coffee.
“Europe remains a strong and important coffee market, and there is significant scope for the expansion of JBMC exports to Europe. The EU is the largest coffee market in the world, representing over 450 million consumers, and the Embassy has been playing an instrumental role in facilitating JBMC exports to the EU through promotional activities, with JAMPRO and by connecting Jamaica’s coffee exporters with retailers and distributors in Europe,” Betton Nayo observed.
Norman Grant, president of the JCEA, asserted the need for more Jamaican hoteliers, coffee shops, restaurants and processors to offer Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee and for locals to enjoy and indulge in their own ‘world renowned’ beverage.

“We are privileged to not only nurture and grow, but to be able to enjoy our own golden-brown nugget of coffee – our premium Blue Mountain brew,” said Grant, noting that Blue Mountain Coffee Day is an excellent reflection point to focus Jamaicans to indulge more in their own home-grown “legendary luxury”.
Legendary Brew
Considered one of the most exotic and expensive coffees in the world, Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is grown on the mist capped Blue Mountain – Jamaica’s highest mountain standing at 7,402 feet since 1728 when coffee was first introduced to the island.
The smooth Arabica coffee is sweet-toned, easily had without additives and is renowned, not only for its unique and exquisite taste, but it also improves energy levels, physical performance and contains essentials nutrients such as riboflavin (vitamin B2), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), manganese and potassium, magnesium and niacin (vitamin B3), which make it beneficial for daily consumption.
Cultivated in its own micro-climate of significantly cooler temperatures and frequent afternoon rains, the ideal ingredients for ruby red coffee blossoms to grow, Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee boasts a distinct flavour that generates positive emotions and memorable experiences.